Gaurav Tiwari 54 minutes ago: Gaurav Tiwari
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There are about 38 trillion bacteria in a human body, out of which 50 to 100 billion bacteria are only in the mouth. These bacteria directly affect our health. According to a study published in the health journal of Oxford Academics, these bacteria of the mouth have a direct connection to brain health.
The study has revealed that certain types of bacteria can cause dementia i.e. memory loss. These can cause Alzheimer's.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 5.5 crore people are dementia all over the world. It is estimated that by the year 2050, these cases may increase to 14 crore.
so today 'Sehtanama' I will talk about oral health i.e. oral health on the pretext of dementia.
Stomach health affected by oral health
Digestion of food starts from our mouth. The saliva of the mouth helps to swallow the food and also helps in digesting the enzyme carbs. If there are bad bacteria in the mouth, they can reach the liver with food and it can cause many problems like acid reflux.
Oral health direct connection to brain
Maxilofacial surgeon Dr. Nishant Gupta says that our blood stream exposes when there is a problem related to gums or teeth. This enters the bacteria blood in our mouth. They reach the brain through blood and affect its functioning. Therefore, it is very important to take care of oral health.
What symptoms are seen when oral health is spoiled?
The gums usually become swollen and pain when oral health is damaged. If this problem persists for a long time, then the roots of teeth start to weaken and teeth start to break down. See what more symptoms of this, in graphic-
Why is it critical to take care of mouth health?
Good oral health is like our savings and good investment, which is most common in old age. If necessary precautions are taken on the health of the mouth, then we can avoid many diseases of the mouth in future.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 350 million people all over the world suffer from mouth diseases. Most of these people belong to moderate or low medium family and treatment of mouth diseases is very expensive. Therefore, it is very important to care for the mouth.
Taking care of mouth health can avoid these diseases-
Mouth health deterioration can deteriorate heart health
Oral health is not limited to diseases in the mouth. Its connection is with the whole body. If there is an infection in the mouth, then the bacteria present in the mouth with food can spread throughout the body and can infect the entire body. This may increase the risk of these serious diseases-
What reasons do oral health deteriorate?
Our food and lifestyle have a direct impact on the health of the mouth. Eating too sweet, eating too much salt and fast food, eating something in a short time, not brushing and consuming too much cigarette-tobacco spoils our oral health. Apart from this, the health of the mouth can deteriorate even if the body is not hydrated. Therefore, some necessary changes should be made in food and lifestyle, see in graphic-
Oral health can improve with healthy diet
There is a saying that 'we are what we eat.' This is also true. Arabs living in our body directly affect the health. Good bacteria prefer to eat things like fruits, vegetables and yogurt, while bad bacteria eat and eat fast food, sugar, cold drinks, etc.
This is the reason that our food has the greatest effect on our health. So eat such food so that these healthy bacteria remain safe.
Some common questions and answers related to mouth health
Question: What is the right way to brush and time? answer: The teeth should be brushed with a fluoride based toothpaste at least twice a day. More than morning brush is required to brush before going to bed at night. Nothing should be eaten after brushing at night.
The right way to brush is that for at least four minutes the brush should be rotated from top to bottom, bottom, right to left and left to right.
Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of flossing? answer: Benefits of Flossing-
Flossing disadvantages-
News of the need- Increased toothache in winter: Dentist explained 9 important precautions
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets