Author: Shashank Shukla
Global News Daily
Everyone wants to be happy. Whatever work we do or are part of any activity, there is some happiness associated with its result. To remain happy, we keep doing some work or effort throughout the day and keep searching for satisfaction.
Usually we use happiness and satisfaction interchangeably. However, the difference between these two is as much as a thread of cotton. Happiness is the way to reach satisfaction. While satisfaction is a long-term emotion, happiness is a moment-to-moment experience. Balance between the two can give right direction to life.
So today we relationship I will know that-
what is happiness?
Happiness is a different feeling. This is that moment when you get completely lost in an activity. Like you spend time with friends, watch your favorite movie, or meet a loved one.
The experience of happiness is not only connected to your physical condition, but it also has a deep impact on your mental and emotional level. The experience of happiness, along with enjoying every moment, also reduces mental stress and pressure.
What is satisfaction?
Have you ever noticed when you feel satisfied? When you have been trying for a long time to achieve something. You get satisfaction after achieving something for which you have worked hard.
Satisfaction does not come just from getting something, it is the result of your efforts. It gives you an opportunity to truly evaluate your hard work.
Satisfaction is a stable and long-term emotion that persists over time. Satisfaction gives direction to life and inspiration to achieve our goals.
Difference between satisfaction and happiness
Satisfaction is a long-term and stable feeling, whereas happiness is a momentary feeling.
Satisfaction is the result of our efforts and achievements. This is the feeling when we achieve the goals we have set. Happiness is the result of small enjoyable moments. Happiness is such a mental state, which gives us motivation to live small moments.
Sometimes we consider happiness and satisfaction as the same, but the experience of both is different. For example, when you do well at your job or complete a difficult task successfully, you feel satisfied.
Whereas when you spend fun time with a friend or go somewhere, it is an experience of happiness.
Is happiness necessary or satisfaction?
Balance of both is very important in life. Happiness gives us confidence, mental peace and reduces stress. On the other hand, satisfaction motivates us towards our goals. Satisfaction teaches that we need to make continuous efforts to achieve what we want.
If we maintain a balance of both happiness and satisfaction, we can move towards our long term goals while enjoying every moment of life.
Some tips to find happiness
There are some easy ways to achieve happiness. We can achieve happiness by including them in our life. Let us understand this graphically.
Let us understand the graphic in detail.
ways to get satisfaction
We do many things to get satisfaction. Despite all this, we are often left empty handed. This is because satisfaction is not a momentary process, but it is a continuous practice. Let us understand the process of getting satisfaction graphically.
Let us understand the graphic in detail.
Always remember, balance is the key to life. Happiness and satisfaction both have their own importance. Happiness inspires us to enjoy every moment of the present, while satisfaction gives us the strength to shape our future. By maintaining a balance between these two, you can make your life even better.
So, embrace your happiness and move towards satisfaction. The balance of both will fill your life with progress and happiness.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets