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It is said that where there is love, there is also conflict. But apologizing after an argument is an important aspect of any healthy relationship. It shows humility, empathy, and a willingness to take responsibility for one's mistake. However, saying 'sorry' all the time is not good for any relationship. Sometimes not apologizing also strengthens the relationship.
so today relationship In this column, we will talk about the situations in which one should not say sorry to the partner. We will also learn how saying sorry too much can be harmful for the relationship.
When should you not say sorry to your partner?
It is natural to have fights between couples in love. But if only one partner has to apologize every time, it can make the relationship unhealthy. Sometimes it is necessary not to say sorry to strengthen the relationship or to prove one's point. The graphic below shows some situations when you should not apologize to your partner.
Now let us talk about the above points in detail.
when it's not your fault
Some people in relationships often apologize to their partner, even though they know they are right. They know they haven't done anything wrong, yet they do this to save their relationship. But every time no one should feel that the responsibility of apologizing is theirs alone. To save the relationship, there should be equal partnership between both the partners, only then the relationship becomes strong.
when you're telling a truth
Many people in relationships apologize to their partners even when they are telling some facts. They do this to maintain balance and harmony in the relationship. However, if this becomes a habit then it can be harmful for the relationship in the long run.
when your perspective is different
Partners in a relationship may agree or disagree on something. There should be mutual understanding between the two regarding this. If you disagree with your partner about something and you have to apologize before saying it, then it is not a sign of a healthy relationship. This shows that you are doing this so that there is no rift in the relationship.
On taking time for self-care
Many times people want to take time out for themselves. But due to some reasons they are not able to do this and keep cursing themselves for it in their mind. Whenever he does this, he feels that he is doing wrong to his partner. For this he also apologizes to his partner.
However, self-care is not bad for relationships. This does not have any negative impact on the relationship. Everyone has the right to take time out for themselves. There is no need to be sorry or guilty for this.
Dr. Asel Romanelli, who has been working as a couple and family therapist in Israel for 15 years, has given a very excellent definition of forgiveness.
When to stand up for your rights
Many times in a relationship a person feels the need to raise his voice. Standing up for your rights is a good thing. But there should be no need to apologize for this.
When telling your partner he or she is wrong
If your partner is doing something wrong and you want to tell him/her, then there is no need to say sorry. There should not be any hesitation in this.
When you don't want to listen to your partner
There are many occasions when you do not agree with your partner. Suppose your partner wants to go to a party, but you don't feel like going at all. In such a situation, you can refuse him clearly. There is no need to say sorry in this.
When expressing your feelings
There is no need to say sorry whenever you are expressing your feelings to your partner. Saying sorry in this condition means that you have lost your value.
Disadvantages of apologizing too much
People who apologize too much to their partner feel inferior. It seems that they are a burden on them or that they have no existence of their own. Constantly apologizing can create feelings of guilt. to see other disadvantages of apologizing too much.
In which situation is it appropriate to apologize?
This may sound like a very simple question. But forgiveness is needed only when you have done something wrong. Not when someone is angry at you without any reason. Not even when you want to take the blame to defuse a dispute.
However, when you have done something wrong and hurt someone, you should definitely go ahead and apologize. It is a form of accountability. This is a way of saying that you are taking responsibility. Acknowledging their pain and promising not to do so in future.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets