43 minutes agoAuthor: Shivakant Shukla
Global News Daily
Recently, doctors of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi have conducted a research on diabetes. According to this research, blood sugar level can be controlled by doing yoga for about 50 minutes daily.
Diabetes is a disease which is continuously spreading across the world. In diabetes, the blood sugar level in the body increases. This can cause many types of health problems. Till now no permanent cure for diabetes has been found. However, if attention is paid to it in time, diabetes can be controlled.
so today needed news In this we will talk about what is the connection between diabetes and yoga? You will also learn that-
Expert: Dr. Saket Kant, Principal Consultant, Endochronology and Obesity Medicine, Shri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Delhi
Question- What is diabetes?
answer- Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the level of sugar present in the blood becomes higher than normal. This happens when there is a deficiency of insulin in the body or the body is not able to use insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone, which controls blood sugar level.
Question- How many people are diabetic in India?
answer- In November 2024, a study was published in the well-known medical journal 'The Lancet'. According to this study, more than 82.8 crore people worldwide are suffering from diabetes. Of these, one fourth i.e. about 21.2 crore people live in India. This figure is really scary.
Question- Is yoga really helpful in controlling diabetes?
answer- To know the answer to this question, AIIMS, Delhi conducted a research on this. Diabetic people involved in this research were divided into two groups. People of both the groups were given medicines to control sugar. One of these groups was also asked to do yoga along with medicines. This process continued for three months.
It was found that those who did yoga along with medicines, their blood sugar level was controlled faster than those who did not do yoga. This shows that blood sugar level can be controlled through yoga.
Question- How does yoga control blood sugar level?
answer- Dr. Saket Kant explains that yoga can help in controlling blood sugar level in many ways. Yoga has an effect on the pancreas and the production of insulin starts improving, due to which the blood sugar level remains under control.
Apart from this, it reduces stress and improves blood circulation, which is helpful in maintaining blood sugar level. Overall, blood sugar level can be controlled by regular yoga. But along with this it is also necessary to take medicines.
Question- Which yoga is helpful in controlling diabetes?
answer- Research by AIIMS, Delhi has suggested a complete routine of yogasanas, which helps in controlling blood sugar level. What yoga can be done for this, understand it from the graphic below-
Question- How long should one do yoga daily to control diabetes?
answer- According to research by AIIMS, Delhi, to control diabetes, one should do yoga for at least 50 minutes daily along with taking medicines. This not only keeps blood sugar level under control, but it is also beneficial for overall health.
Question- What things should diabetic people keep in mind before doing yoga?
answer- Although yoga is beneficial for everyone, anyone can do it. But diabetic people need to take special care of some things before doing yoga. Understand this from the graphic below-
Question- Apart from yoga, what other things should diabetic people keep in mind?
answer- Dr. Saket Kant explains that wrong eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle are the main causes of diabetes. If it is improved then diabetes can be controlled. Understand it with the pointers below-
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Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets