On November 28, at the age of 52, Priyanka Gandhi took oath as MP in the Lok Sabha. Along with this, three members of the Gandhi-Nehru family will be involved in the proceedings of the current Parliament. Priyanka has reached Parliament by winning the Wayanad seat of Kerala by a margin of 4 lakh 10 thousand votes. Yes
After the results, she met the journalists with her familiar smile. A journalist asked- Who will you give the most credit for this victory? Priyanka paused a bit, her facial expressions changed slightly and said – To Rahul ji.
Graphic: Ajit Singh
The person with whom he played badminton hit his grandmother: He was in America at the time of his father's death; Stories from Rahul Gandhi's personal and professional life
Rahul Gandhi was born in a big name family. Grandmother was murdered at the age of 14 and father was murdered at the age of 21. When Rahul Gandhi came into politics, he got the tag of Pappu. Even the roads were measured under the Bharat Jodo Yatra. Know the stories of Rahul Gandhi's personal and professional life.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets | NavBharatTimes