BJP candidate from Ghatkopar East, Maharashtra, Parag Shah is the owner of Rs 3383.06 crore. According to this election affidavit, his wealth has increased by 575% in the last 5 years.
He became MLA after winning the election from Ghatkopar in 2019. Then he had declared his assets as Rs 550.62 crore. He said that he believes that God has given him everything. They now want to do something for the country.
He told that he gives more than 50% of his savings for social service. Parag Shah is the Chairman of MICI Group which he has been running for 25 years. Recently he has been in the news due to his ill health.
Theft in Ben Stokes' house, valuables and medals stolen
England cricket team captain Ben Stokes said that there was a theft at his house. Ben Stokes revealed this through a post on social media platform.
He told that when he was on Pakistan tour with the England team, thieves stole jewelery and valuables from his house. He doesn't even have many medals.
Stokes said that the theft took place when my wife and two small children were at home. It is good that none of my family members were physically harmed.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets | NavBharatTimes