TV actress Shraddha Arya has become the mother of twins. He himself gave this information on social media. While sharing a post, the actress wrote that God has made her and her husband parents of not just one but twins.
Shraddha Arya gave birth to twins on 29 November. The actress informed her fans about this by sharing a video on her Instagram. In the video, Shraddha is sitting with both the children in her lap. Also, there are balloons of girl and boy in his hospital room.
Shraddha wrote in the caption – Two little joys have completed our family. Our hearts are doubly full. Also told in the hashtag that she has given birth to a son and a daughter.
Apart from this, the fans of the actress are also congratulating her. One user wrote – There can be no happier day than this. Mother Shraddha bless you very much. Give lots of happiness.', another wrote, 'Brother-sister pair has arrived', the third wrote, 'There are twins in serials and in real life too.
Shraddha got married in 2021 Let us tell you, Shraddha Arya married Rahul Nagal in the year 2021. She announced her pregnancy on September 15 this year.
Worked in 'Kundali Bhagya' for 7 years Talking about work front, Shraddha was working in 'Kundali Bhagya' for a long time. Her character of Preeta became quite famous. Shraddha Arya, who ruled people's hearts by playing Preeta for 7 and a half years, had recently left the show.
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