Today also, like every day, you started your morning with tea and packaged toast. Breakfast tasted packaged bread with jam packed in a plastic container. Sipped tea with packaged snacks in the office. The lunch we had in the afternoon was home-made, but the ice cream we ate with it was taken out of a packaging box. How routine and normal all this seems.
But do you know that the packaging foods we use in everyday life can give rise to breast cancer in our body. Yes, a recent research has confirmed that every day we are knowingly or unknowingly including 76 such chemicals in our diet, which promote breast cancer. Breast cancer is a silent killer. Lakhs of people are losing their lives every year due to this and in many cases the deaths are not even reported.
Recently a study was published in the world's famous journal 'Frontiers'. This study shows that 189 cancer causing chemicals have been found in the food contact materials being used for food packaging, out of which 76 are such that they are going into our body. It also includes dangerous chemicals like per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), bisphenol and phthalates. These are extremely dangerous for the human body.
Not only this, another study by Switzerland based Food Packaging Forum Foundation published in 'Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology' states that more than 3,600 chemicals used in food packaging have been found in the human body, out of which about 100 chemicals are harmful to humans. Are extremely dangerous for health.
so today 'Health Form' In this article we will tell you about ways to avoid cancer causing chemicals found in food packaging. You will also learn that-
As before we have told you in detail about breast cancer. So here we will discuss only packaging foods.
Why are packaged foods dangerous?
We often use packaged food in our daily routine without any thought and consider it safe, but it is very dangerous for our health. Because most of the food packaging materials contain plastic elements and dangerous chemicals, which enter the body through food and invite many serious diseases like breast cancer.
Ways to avoid food chemicals
To avoid chemicals present in packaged foods, first of all you have to be health conscious. Avoid using any packaged food item. Do not use plastic utensils for preparing food. In the graphic below, we are telling you some tips to avoid food packaging chemicals.
13 million people in the world die every year due to environmental toxins.
Environmental toxins are also one of the main causes of diseases. Let us know what are environmental toxins and why are they so dangerous? Environmental toxins are natural and man-made chemicals that can mimic or interfere with the body's hormones. This is known as the endocrine system. These include naturally occurring compounds lead, mercury, radon, formaldehyde, benzene and cadmium and man-made chemicals such as BPA, phthalates and pesticides.
These endocrine system disruptors are found in many everyday products we use. These include some plastic bottles and containers, food cans, detergents, flame retardants, toys, beauty products and pesticides. Each of these toxins affect our body in different ways. They stop our bodies from functioning and put our health at risk, unbalance our hormones and can even reduce longevity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 13 million people die every year in the world due to environmental toxins. Learn about diseases caused by environmental toxins .
Ways to Reduce Exposure to Environmental Toxins
We can't completely control our environment, but we can reduce risk by being aware of the difficulties we face. Learn about this in the pointers below.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets