Recently, Aamir Khan and Ajay Devgan had come to clap at the auspicious time of the upcoming film Tera Yaar Hoon Main. Aamir and Ajay were seen together in the superhit film Ishq, released in 1997. During the event, Ajay-Aamir shared a funny incident from the sets of the film Ishq, when a chimpanzee attacked them.
During the Muhurta, Aamir said to Ajay, do you remember that you saved me from the chimpanzee. There was a sequence where a chimpanzee attacked me. On this Ajay interrupted him and said, Aamir was the one having fun in it. When Aamir protested against this, Ajay said, who was spraying it? After that he was shouting save-save, save-save like girls.
Further, Aamir has said that Ajay Devgan had saved him after he was attacked by a chimpanzee. Aamir said, he saved me, pulled me out of the moving vehicle. Did action-vection.
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At the event, Aamir said, I feel very happy meeting Ajay. We don't meet much, but whenever we do, we meet with great warmth, love and concern. I like Ajay very much. On this Ajay has said, I was just saying that we had a lot of fun on the sets of the film Ishq. We should do another one.
Let us tell you that Aamir Khan and Ajay Devgan have been seen together in the 1997 comedy romance film Ishq. Juhi Chawla and Kajol were also in important roles in the film. A sequence of this film was shot with chimpanzees. According to the comedy scene, the brakes of Ajay Devgan and Aamir's car fail. During this time, a chimpanzee gets into their car in an accident. Ajay was driving the car, while Chimpanzee was in the front seat and Aamir was in the back seat.
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