Ameesha Patel made her Bollywood debut with the film Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. He was cast just three days before the shooting of the film began. According to the actress, this film was written in her destiny. Earlier, he had rejected offers from films like Agni Prem and Himalaya Putra. Not only this, he even refused the job of Morgan Stanley for this film.
During a conversation with BeautybyBiE, Ameesha Patel told how she and Rakesh Roshan met. How did he get the offer for his first film? Ameesha said, 'I had gone to attend a wedding with my family. Where I met Rakesh Roshan.
Ameesha said, 'When I passed by him (Rakesh), he looked at me, blinked and then looked at my father and asked him, girlfriend? My father said no Rakesh. This is my daughter Ameesha. She has just returned from Boston after completing her studies.
When Ameesha Patel was asked how she got the film Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. On this Ameesha said, 'The very next day Rakesh Roshan called me to his home for dinner. I had no idea that he would offer me the film Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. A lot of things happened between us. He asked me about my job and future plans, so I showed him my CV and told about the job I got from Morgan Stanley, which impressed him a lot.
According to Ameesha, when Rakesh went to the washroom at Roshan's house, Rakesh and Hrithik talked about her. Rakesh said that he got the actress for his film and he was very happy. When Ameesha returned from the washroom, director Rakesh offered her his film Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. At first the actress did not understand anything. But then after some time Ameesha agreed to work in the film. Thought if this film is not a hit then she will go back to her work again.
The film was released in the year 2000 Kaho Na Pyaar Hai was released in the year 2000. Along with earning, this film made many records in its name. After Shahrukh's film 'Dil Se', this film of Hrithik was the second film to win all the awards for music.
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