Thursday, January 23, 2025
HomeEDITOR'S PICKFrom Self-Help Books: Embrace Reality With Ease

From Self-Help Books: Embrace Reality With Ease

Know from books, why it is difficult to achieve humility? Why are people who always complain deprived of the real joy of life?

Drop expectations and establish humility We have expectations about everything in life. By projecting expectations we not only decide what reality should be, but also declare that we know what is best for us. This is the height of ego. Letting go of expectations is a small step toward developing humility. Humility is hard to achieve. It is a very slow and natural process. (Eliminate Expectations)

You will find happiness only if you decide to be happy. Happiness is, in fact, an acquired skill. It is a mental decision. People who always complain are deprived of the real joy of life. When we perceive something as bad, it actually appears bad in our experience. Happiness is not what you get when everything goes your way; Happiness is what happens when you decide to be happy. (being happy)

If you want to give love, love yourself first To love others you must first love yourself. You can only give what you have. Love is not a thing which can be destroyed by giving it. It is similar to knowledge. A wise man teaches all his learning to others and will still have the knowledge he has taught. But he must have that knowledge. Similarly, you can give love to others only when you have it. (Love Yourself)

Take risks in life, because risk is the key to change Choose the path of life. Choose the path of love. Choose the path to care. Choose the path of hope. Choose the path of faith in tomorrow. Choose the path of trust. Choose the path of goodness. It's up to you. It's your choice. You can also choose despair. You can also choose sadness. You may also choose to make life uncomfortable for others. You can also choose bias. If you decide to take responsibility for your life, you will have to take risks. Risk is the key to change. (Choose the way of life)

Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets

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