Saturday, September 21 is the Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month. Right now Pitru Paksha is going on and in this Paksha, the combination of Chaturthi and Saturday is very special from the point of view of worship.
Ujjain's astrologer Pandit Manish Sharma says, “The Shradh-Tarpan performed during Pitru Paksha satisfies the Pitra Devta of the family and blesses the family members. The blessings of the ancestors ensure happiness, peace and success in the house. Fasting should be observed for Lord Ganesha on the Chaturthi of Pitru Paksha. This time Chaturthi is on Saturday, so offer mustard oil to Shanidev, one of the nine planets. Donate black sesame seeds and oil.”
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets