Everyone wants to have a good start to their morning. Call it a myth or psychology, people believe that if the initial hours of the day are good then the whole day passes in a positive manner.
However, in such a harsh cold, I don't feel like leaving the bed, leave alone starting the morning. This is why we reach everywhere hurriedly and do everything in a hurry. Due to which all the work can go wrong. In such a situation, starting the day with warm drinks rich in natural ingredients can be a good option. This will provide relief from cold in the morning.
Drinking hot drinks made from natural ingredients like turmeric, turmeric, honey, lemon, basil leaves and peach is beneficial. This will make the morning start energetic. This will help you stay healthy and fresh throughout the cold season. This will improve the digestive system and also strengthen the immune system.
So, today in health We will talk about 10 hot drinks. You will also learn that-
hot drinks are necessary in winter Nutritionist and founder of 'OneDietToday' Dr. Anu Agarwal says that hot drinks are necessary in the winter morning. The temperature is very low in the morning. That's why drinking cold drinks heats up the body. These drinks are energizing so the morning starts off good and pleasant. Natural ingredients boost our metabolism and immunity.
Healthy hot drinks for the body The special thing about this hot drink which is very beneficial for the body is that no processed thing has to be used to make it. Most of the things like date, peach, loving, cumin and turmeric are available in the kitchen itself.
You may be familiar with drinks like lemon water with honey. Check out some more drink graphics:
Consider these drinks in detail:
tj-madh tea
how to prepare For this, mix a piece of turmeric or half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in hot water. Let it boil for a while. Then take it off the gas and add one spoon of honey to it. That's it, your steaming hot drink is ready.
lemon water with honey
how to prepare For this, first of all heat a glass of water. Then add juice of half lemon to it. Mix one spoon honey in it and drink it like tea.
Mint and Basil Tea
how to prepare Put some fresh basil leaves and mint leaves in hot water. Cover it with a vessel or lid, so that its refreshing aroma remains intact.
apple cider vinegar and honey If someone likes tangy drinks then hot drink made from apple cider vinegar and honey is a good option for them. Vinegar helps in digestion and keeps the pH level under control. Honey adds natural sweetness as well as antimicrobial properties. By drinking this you will feel refreshed and your digestion will also remain healthy.
how to prepare Mix one spoon vinegar and one spoon honey in a glass of hot water. Mix it well and sip the chaani slowly.
Peach and Lemon Tea
how to prepare To do this, add a few pieces of fresh peach to hot water and squeeze half a lemon. Your healthy and hot drink is ready.
Tea with basil, peach, lovage and cumin
how to prepare For this, put a few basil leaves, a few pieces of peach, 3-4 cloves and a small piece of coriander in a glass of water and boil it. If its taste seems spicy then you can add one spoon of honey. Your best hot drink for winter morning is ready.
turmeric water
how to prepare Take a few pieces of raw turmeric, boil it in a glass of water and strain it. Your hot drink will be ready in a few minutes.
cumin and azaman water
How to prepare: For this, add half teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup of water and leave it for the whole night. In the morning, boil it in a glass of water and filter it and drink it.
hot turmeric milk
how to prepare Heat a glass of milk and add half teaspoon turmeric to it and drink it.
Tasty Almond Milk
how to prepare Add a few pieces of almonds to a glass of milk and heat it.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets