Remove resentment related to family members. By thinking deeply about everything, you will bring changes in your life. Problems related to money can go away. You will make changes by understanding your weaknesses related to the goals you want to achieve in the future.
Career: People associated with family business can get many times more benefits than expected.
Love: Take care that there is no feeling of jealousy towards your partner.
Health: Health of the elderly will have to be taken care of.
Lucky color: orange
Lucky number: 3
Leave aside thoughts about old things and adopt new thoughts. Change your nature. Increasing inclination towards spiritual things will solve many problems. Interaction with people will be limited. It will be easy for you to take decisions immediately after discussing. Someone in the family can take guidance from you.
Career: Pay attention to new opportunities and start working towards things that are related to your purpose.
Love: There will be stability in the relationship. It will be easier to understand each other's thoughts.
Health: Body ache may cause health concerns.
Lucky color: white
Lucky number: 6
You will need to increase dedication to implement new opportunities. You may be worried about mental ups and downs. There may be lack of confidence in work due to criticism from family. Utilize time properly and complete important work at the beginning of the day.
Career: Youth will have to take work related opportunities seriously. These opportunities are difficult to get again.
Love: Even after improvement in the relationship, there is a possibility of old mistakes being repeated.
Health: Low BP and physical weakness may increase.
Lucky color: red
Lucky number: 1
Cancer – THE MOON
Having dilemma will bring clarity in thoughts. The company of people is having a negative impact on your life, their influence will have to be removed. By making people's intentions clear, we will be able to solve the problem. You may feel lonely in many things, but the more you strengthen yourself emotionally, the more things will seem to be in your favor.
Career: Keep expectations related to work limited. Big profits can be obtained suddenly.
Love: Relationship is important for you, so resolve any dispute by discussing it.
Health: Do not ignore eye related problems.
Lucky color: green
Lucky number: 2
Work may be affected due to increasing dispute with someone in the family. You will achieve progress in your life. Only close people will feel jealous for you. Try to understand people's side, but don't ignore your own views. It is an important time to pursue work-related matters.
Career: People associated with business will have to refrain from financial dealings for a few days until they assess the person.
Love: Love relationship will be fine. Still, the distance between partner and family will be seen increasing.
Health: Health may deteriorate due to back pain and headache.
Lucky color: white
Lucky number: 4
You will have to think deeply about your behavior towards people because of greed. Do not make your close relationships negative because of ego. Success can be easily achieved in many things, but if you are not happy, you will not be able to enjoy anything. Learn to take responsibility for your mistakes.
Career: There is a need to make efforts alone to fulfill work-related responsibilities.
Love: Problems in relationship may be due to your speech.
Health: There is a possibility of stomach irritation and digestive problems.
Lucky color: yellow
Lucky number: 5
Maintain transparency in money related transactions. Be careful that mistakes are not repeated again and again. Inspired by you, someone can improve his life. Therefore, pay close attention to your behavior. Do not keep distance with family members. Everyone will need to try together.
Career: Pay attention to every opportunity you get, accept the important things which are related to your main objective.
Love: Relationship will be fine, but you will have to avoid negativity.
Health: There is a possibility of injury due to hot things or things made of iron. Will have to be cautious.
Lucky color: pink
Lucky number: 7
Scorpio – THE FOOL
The support they are getting from people will prove useful in keeping their morale intact. You should increase your efforts to change your limited thoughts and situation. Opportunities that are difficult to obtain may turn in your favor. Due to the risk taken in some work, you will get instant fame.
Career: Employed people need to focus only on the opportunities they have got at present.
Love: You will have to control your anger while talking to your partner.
Health: The problem of cold and cough will increase.
Lucky color: orange
Lucky number: 8
Sagittarius – TWO OF CUPS
Resolve any dispute with any person immediately. Keep your emotions under control while interacting with people. Many people can use your mistakes against you. Therefore one has to be cautious. Try to improve mental and physical aspects.
Career: You will get new work related responsibilities, which will increase your importance at your place of work.
Love: To improve relationship, try to improve mutual harmony.
Health: Problems related to BP are likely to increase.
Lucky color: red
Lucky number: 9
Capricorn – JUSTICE
It is important for you to understand your duty and responsibility. Maintain balance in every aspect of life. Important family related problems can be solved, but do not expect to get credit for this. We will have to discuss by understanding people's behaviour.
Career: Using the guidance received related to work, you will be able to choose the desired field of work.
Love: Love relationship is important and you will need to show more harmony.
Health: There may be heaviness in the head.
Lucky color: white
Lucky number: 2
You will remain positive even after facing big problems. Consider what changes you want to make in your company. In the current situation, a dispute may arise with many friends. You may feel lonely. Pay close attention to your mental state.
Career: There is a possibility of loss for businessmen. Do not start any new work for now.
Love: You may be pressured to change your decision related to marriage.
Health: There may be skin related problems.
Lucky color: red
Lucky number: 3
Will be able to take current decisions using our sources. There will be concerns related to the future. Try to change some things of your nature. Don't pay attention to people's criticisms. You will have to try to remove negative habits. While helping anyone, keep in mind that you do not suffer any harm.
Career: Do not ignore work related information. If a mistake is made, there will be no chance to correct it.
Love: Consider the things in your relationship that are necessary for you to improve.
Health: Problems related to spine will increase.
Lucky color: green
Lucky number: 7
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets