Tomorrow (17th October) Sun is entering Libra, on this day Tula Sankranti will be celebrated. On Tula Sankranti, one should wake up early in the morning and start the day by offering Arghya to the Sun. Along with offering Arghya to the Sun every morning, if you do Surya Namaskar consisting of 12 yoga asanas, you will get health benefits along with virtue.
According to Ujjain's astrologer Pt. Manish Sharma, by offering Arghya to the Sun every morning, doing Surya Namaskar and worshiping, one gets the blessings of Sun God and health is also benefited through Yoga.
In this way Surya Namaskar is completed. This method is repeated again and again. Keep in mind that people who have problems related to waist or any other part of the body, should do Surya Namaskar only after consulting a yoga teacher.
While doing Surya Namaskar, 12 mantras of Surya should be chanted. Om Mitrai Namah, Om Ravaye Namah, Om Surya Namah, Om Bhanve Namah, Om Khagaya Namah, Om Pushne Namah, Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah, Om Marichaye Namah, Om Adityaya Namah, Om Savitre Namah, Om Arkay Namah, Om Bhaskaray Namah.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar – By doing Surya Namaskar daily, their weight can be controlled, digestive system gets improved, skin glow increases, mind remains calm and negative thoughts go away.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets