The festival of Diwali is a symbol of joy and light. On this occasion, we sincerely share our happiness and love with everyone. However, during this time, pets, which are considered to be the most loyal and best friends of humans, have been forgotten.
When we need to understand that they need us more during festivals like Diwali and New Year. During these festivals, the noise caused by firecrackers can cause trouble to our beloved pets.
One reason for this is that the hearing ability of our pets is many times greater than ours. Dogs hear four times better than humans and cats three times better than us. However, many other pets also have better hearing than humans. Apart from this, pets are also very sensitive.
For this reason they get disturbed by the noise of firecrackers, colorful lights and crowds. In such a situation, to keep our pets safe, we should keep them in a cool place. On the day of Diwali, we can keep our pets at a place where the sound of firecrackers does not reach.
So today we relationshipI will talk about-
Why are pets harmed by the sound of firecrackers? The main reason why pets get harmed by the sound of firecrackers is their hearing ability. The loud and sudden noise of firecrackers is very exciting for them, which makes them feel nervous and stressed. The noise of firecrackers can have a negative impact on the mental and physical health of pet animals.
Let us understand the .
Dogs are more sensitive to soft sounds Dogs are more sensitive to soft sounds. They can also hear sounds which we cannot feel. For this reason, the hearing ability of dogs is considered to be four times greater. According to the American Kennel Club, dogs can hear at a frequency of 47,000 to 65,000 hertz.
The hearing capacity of cats is three times greater than that of humans. Adult humans cannot hear sounds above 20,000 Hz. Whereas according to hidden hearing, cats can hear sounds up to 64,000 Hz. This means that cats can hear about three times better than humans.
Be responsible with pets The loud noise of firecrackers can be very stressful for our pets. Many people bring pets home as a hobby. But when it comes to taking care of them, they stay away from their responsibilities. Whereas pets are very emotional and sensitive. In such a situation, keeping a pet is more of a responsibility than a hobby.
Understand pet body language By understanding pet body language, you can recognize their stress signals during stressful situations. If your pet is panting, pulling his ears back or trying to hide in a corner, it is a sign that he is scared by the noise. In such a situation, immediately take him to a quiet place and talk to him lovingly.
Consult a veterinarian to prevent discomfort If pets remain restless and stressed during Diwali, veterinary advice should be sought. Many anxiety relief products such as formulated treats, sprays and capsules are available in the market. However, use it only after consulting a veterinarian.
Tips for introducing pets to friendsDiwali is a time to spend with your family and friends, but you should be careful when introducing your pets to new people. Sometimes crowds of new people and noise can be stressful for pets. In such a situation, you should gradually introduce them to new people. When guests come over, give the pets their favorite treats so they have a positive experience meeting new people.
Keep pets away from fire and decorations It is normal to decorate the house and decorate the house during Diwali, but this can pose a risk to your pets. Always keep lamps, candles and lighting in a place that is out of reach of pets. If there is electric lighting in the house, make sure that its wires are safe. Provide pet-friendly decorations that can protect them from any kind of injury or trouble.
Take care of pets like this on Diwali Many activities are seen at home during the festival of Diwali. Many times our pets get scared in such environments. In such a situation, we can take care of our pets in this way.
According to experts, the best way to keep pets safe is to keep them in a quiet place. Therefore, choose a place for them where the impact of outside noise is minimal. Place a comfortable bed and their favorite things in a corner of the house, so that they feel safe and calm.
Also, cotton in the ears can be used to reduce their hearing acuity, but make sure it is done properly so that they do not cause any discomfort.
Build a soundproof house for petsTo keep pets safe from the noise of Diwali, you can create a soundproof room. For this you can choose a quiet part of the house. The sound can be reduced by placing a heavy curtain or padding material there. Soundproof strips can be installed on doors and turns. Also, favorite toys and toys should be kept to divert the attention of pets.
Create a stomach-soothing playlist to prevent discomfortYou can create a relaxing playlist to keep your pets calm while you sleep. Some music and sound therapy, especially soft beats and tuneful music, can be very effective in reducing stress in pets. There are many online playlists and apps available.
Make a DIY Canine Comfort Kit for PetsYou can make a DIY canine comfort kit for pets. With this they can feel comfortable amidst the noise. This kit may include their favorite toys, sticks, water bowl and a few other things. Additionally, you can add a new toy for them to divert their attention. Keep this kit in a room where your pet is away from the noise of Diwali.
Herbal treat to relieve pet stressHerbal treats can be used to keep pets happy and healthy amid the excitement of Diwali. You can give things made from chamomile, basil and peach to pets, it will make them feel calm and relaxed.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets