By associating black color with the planet Saturn, it is believed that it should be sacrificed for auspicious works, which is not correct. Shani is the god of justice. He causes suffering only through black deeds. Not because of black color. According to science, black color is the most energy absorbing color. At the same time, white color is the most energy converting color. Absorbs the least amount of energy of any kind.
Similarly, to avoid evil eyes, we get a black thread tied by a Sadhu, Saint and Rishi from a temple, because their positive energy can remain in black color for a long time. Mother is God for children. She is full of love the most, that is why the black mark applied on her hand protects the children. This is the reason why when you go to satsang, discourse, Devdarshan or to receive education from someone, if you use the black cap, then you are able to accumulate more positive energy there and can use it for a long time.
When we go to a condolence meeting, we wear white clothes. So that the mournful feelings there do not enter us. Doctor's apron is also white in colour. So that the impact of diseases on them is reduced. Similarly, only the pilots of airplanes and ships wear white clothes. So that there is minimum absorption of sun's heat.
Similarly, Jain saints, nuns, priests and nuns in Christianity, who want to live their lives with a sense of detachment from the world. Such people also have a rule of wearing white clothes. So that they are not affected by the world's illusions, greed and covetousness.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets