11 minutes firstAuthor: Shaili Acharya
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The month of September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society started this campaign to spread awareness about ovarian cancer. Was. According to a 2019 report by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), ovarian cancer is the It is the third most common cancer in women. About two lakh women die every year worldwide due to ovarian cancer. According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO), in the year 2018, ovarian cancer occurred all over the world. Due to this, 184,799 women have died.
Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala has also become a victim of this disease. Recently he talked about this in an interview.
Manisha Koirala said, “Somewhere in my life there is something incomplete. As you grow up, you accept your reality. There are many dreams which will not come true and you come to terms with them. Motherhood is one of them. The hardest thing for me was having ovarian cancer and not being able to become a mother, but I overcame it. Accepted.”
Not only Manisha, many women of the country are fighting against this disease. Many women do not even know that they have this disease. Because its symptoms are seen late.
According to the American Cancer Society, by the year 2024, only America will be affected by ovarian cancer. About 19,680 new cases of cancer have been registered.
According to ICMR, the rate of ovarian cancer in India is about 6.8 in 1,00,000 women. Its risk increases with age. It increases from the age of 35 and reaches its peak between the ages of 55-64.
Taye, Aje' taripatta' In this we will talk about ovarian cancer, its symptoms and severity. You will also know that-
What is ovarian cancer and how dangerous is it? Ovarian cancer occurs in the ovaries of women. Ovary is the reproductive organ where eggs are produced. This egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus, where the fertilized egg develops into a fetus. Ovarian cancer is the development of any type of cancer in the ovaries. Ovarian cancer mostly arises from the outer layer of the ovary.
The ovaries are also the main source of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. When abnormal cells in the fallopian tubes grow and get out of control, They have developed into cancer. Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect. A woman's ability to conceive after ovarian cancer depends on the stage of her cancer.
Stages and types of ovarian cancer
symptoms of ovarian cancer Most women ignore the symptoms of ovarian cancer. That is why ovarian cancer reaches its final stage, when in most women Uterine cancer is seen in the first stage. It can be detected by ultrasound, MRI and CT scan.
This disease can have many symptoms. See graphic below-
How does ovarian cancer affect women's fertility? Treatment for ovarian cancer may mean that you will not be able to get pregnant naturally. But you may have other options. It also depends on the stage of ovarian cancer.
Why does ovarian cancer occur? There can be many reasons for ovarian cancer, such as age, lifestyle or family history or Smoking and alcohol consumption. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, epithelial ovarian cancer is caused by tobacco and Can be caused by smoking.
What is the treatment for ovarian cancer?
Ovarian cancer can be treated in many ways. Its treatment is based on the type, stage and health condition of ovarian cancer. Is done. This includes-
How to prevent ovarian cancer
To avoid ovarian cancer, women should pay maximum attention to their lifestyle. Women should take special care of these things-
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets