6 hours ago
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Saint Kabir used to preach to his disciples and others while working. They used to do weaving clothes. Along with weaving clothes and preaching, he also used to pay attention to God. He used to do all the work throughout the day in a very balanced manner.
A person saw Kabirdas's routine very carefully for several days. One day he asked Kabir ji that I have been watching you for many days, you are famous for devotion to God, you keep weaving clothes throughout the day, preach to people, even after being so busy, when did you do devotion even after being so busy. Are.
Kabirdas listened carefully to the person. Kabir used to answer people's questions with examples. He told the person that I will answer your question, but first let's go a little to the intersection.
The person accepted Kabir ji and both went together. On the way, Kabir ji saw a woman, the woman kept a pitcher full of water on her head.
The woman was walking while singing the song, but she had not caught the pitcher, the pitcher was stable on the head, she was not even moving, so the water of the pitcher was not spilling.
Kabir ji told the person that you are looking at this woman? She is carrying water singing her songs. Its focus is also on his pitcher, is also on his song and on the way. Just like this, I also do all my work. Every moment my mind is also engaged in devotion to God and I keep doing other work too.
Kabir's learning
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets