Hemoglobin deficiency is a big problem, especially it is seen more in Indian women. Due to which symptoms like fatigue, weakness and dizziness appear. Hemoglobin is necessary to deliver oxygen to various parts of the body. Its deficiency can cause problems like anemia. To increase it, spinach, beetroot, carrot and pumpkin can be included in the diet. It provides various nutrients to the body including iron. Apart from this, there are also some seeds and small fruits which help in increasing hemoglobin in the body. Today we will learn about those seeds and fruits which help in increasing hemoglobin level.
olive seeds red blood cells are higher Olive seeds are also called garden cress seeds or colloquially called haleem seeds. It is very effective in increasing hemoglobin. Iron and folic acid are found in large quantities in these small seeds, which are essential for the formation of red blood cells. Eating one spoon of olive seeds daily with water or hot milk cures iron deficiency.
dates and black raisins Large amounts of iron, calcium and magnesium are found in dates and black raisins. Along with increasing hemoglobin level, it also gives instant energy. These same qualities are also seen in Gol. Adding it to breakfast or food can help in removing hemoglobin deficiency.
Kolana B Apart from iron, other essential minerals such as magnesium and zinc are also found in cola seeds. It is a good natural source to increase hemoglobin. Eating it in the form of salad, smoothie or snack helps in removing hemoglobin deficiency. Eating a handful of kola seeds every day can be very beneficial.
Renu Rakheja is a well-known nutritionist and health coach.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets