Even if the situation is against your wishes, you will remain motivated. Maintain enthusiasm and positivity to face difficult situations. You will have to think deeply about work-related matters and remove negative things. Even if the benefits are limited, there will be no problem.
Career: How work can be improved further and how financial benefits can be increased, these things need to be paid attention to.
Love : Try to understand what your partner says. Do not rush to take decisions.
Health : The things which are having a negative impact on health will have less impact.
Lucky colour: Red
Lucky number: 3
Understanding the seriousness of the situation, decisions will be taken, which are against the mind for the time being. Compromising with the situation will seem difficult in the beginning, but by being flexible in everything and keeping foresight, you will gain benefits. You may get the fruits of your hard work. Take care that there is no new expenditure.
Career: Your work is important to you, you need to pay attention to this.
Love : Your stress will go away and you will get the support of your partner.
Health : There is a need to change the diet to improve health.
Lucky colour: Yellow
Lucky number: 1
There is a need to increase the speed of work. It is important for you to take the right decision on time. Overthinking will increase troubles. Learn to express your expectations while understanding the words of family members. Balance has to be maintained in everything. Increase efforts to remove resentment.
Career: Work will be completed as per expectations, but there will be disappointment due to not getting financial benefits as per hard work.
Love : A decision related to the relationship will be taken soon.
Health: To improve your health, you will have to change your lifestyle as per the doctor's advice.
Lucky colour: Orange
Lucky number: 6
Use your resources in the right manner. This will give you the desired benefits. You will have to pay attention to the things in which you lack confidence till now and improve them. Due to the change in personality, your relations with many people will improve. Maintain your personal sphere. Also, keep in mind that your work should not be ignored due to any reason.
Career : It is possible for you to complete the work on time.
Love: A new relationship can begin. This relationship can turn into marriage.
Health : There may be problems related to sugar. Weight has to be controlled, along with that pay attention to your diet.
Lucky colour: Blue
Lucky number: 8
It is possible to understand the point of view of others by changing the way you look at the situation. Expressing your emotional pain will seem difficult today. Lack of trust in anyone can increase the feeling of loneliness to some extent. Spending too much time alone can cause stress for you. It is important for you to maintain social relations with people along with your work.
Career : Do not rush in taking important decisions. There is a possibility of taking wrong decisions due to the ups and downs of thoughts.
Love : Relationship will be fine.
Health : There is a possibility of increase in physical weakness.
Lucky colour: White
Lucky number: 2
Try to fulfill your responsibilities. Due to which, your busyness seems to be increasing. You will be busy most of the time fulfilling people's expectations. At present, it is not possible to share your responsibilities with anyone.
Career : With the removal of work related stress, the work will be completed as expected.
Love : Do not think about the relationship right now.
Health : The problem of headache will be due to acidity.
Lucky colour: Red
Lucky number: 5
It will take more time than necessary to solve problems related to documents. The weakness in your nature seems to be causing the problem. Unless you behave with patience, it will be difficult to solve the situation. To solve any situation, there is a need to change your thoughts related to the problem.
Career : New work will start in a positive way. Forget the old things and start the work with new energy.
Love : There is a possibility of increasing problems in marital life.
Health : To control sugar, you will have to take treatment from a doctor.
Lucky colour: Yellow
Lucky number: 7
Scorpio – ACE OF WANDS
While doing any new work, take care not to invest more money than required. There is a possibility of spending more money than your capacity to make your lifestyle better. This will give you happiness in the present, but it can also lead to a big debt, be cautious. You will get big benefits, but lack of control over expenses can lead to disappointment.
Career : A big problem can be solved by using your training.
Love : Positivity will remain in life due to relationship.
Health : You may suffer from constipation.
Lucky colour: Green
Lucky number: 4
Sagittarius – SEVEN OF CUPS
While dealing with a family-related problem, you need to keep your capabilities in mind. Help those who are dependent on you, but trying to solve their problems can harm you. Help people keeping in mind that every person will get experiences according to their karma.
Career : Conspiracy going on at your workplace can affect your work.
Love : Mistakes related to relationships will be understood.
Health : Headache can occur due to stress.
Lucky colour: Pink
Lucky number: 9
Capricorn – SEVEN OF WANDS
Try to maintain concentration until the work is completed. If a task is incomplete, it is not possible to complete it. It will be difficult to fulfill your expectations properly. Try to achieve your goal. The change in the current situation through work will improve your situation.
Career : Continue working keeping in mind the target and the set time.
Love : Not being able to express your feelings properly will increase problems.
Health : Health may deteriorate due to vomiting and acidity.
Lucky colour: Pink
Lucky number: 5
Today many tasks seem to be stuck, so it is important to focus on the work. Problems can be solved with the help of friends. Maintain seriousness in personal life. Avoid irritability. Try to focus on those things in which you have achieved stability.
Career: Efforts need to be increased to improve career.
Love : Difficulties related to relationships will increase.
Health: Health will be fine. However, changes in lifestyle will affect health.
Lucky colour: White
Lucky number: 4
Due to the comments received from people, anger will increase in the mind. Which is not possible to express. You may suffer loss due to the anger suppressed in the mind. You will have to respond immediately to the false accusations made on you. Try to maintain your courage in negative situations.
Career: Disputes going on at the workplace will increase tension. You will be able to resolve the dispute through mutual understanding.
Love : Do not take any decision related to marriage unless permission is obtained from the family.
Health : A complete health check-up will be required.
Lucky colour: Red
Lucky number: 7
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets