21 hours ago
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Tomorrow (Saturday, 8 February) Jaya Ekadashi will be fasted. By observing fast, helps benefits are also provided along with religion benefits. If we fast, we stay hungry, by being hungry, the digestive system gets relief and the digestive system is also cleaned. When you sacrifice food, laziness is removed, concentration remains in worship, chanting mantra and meditation. If you meditate along with the fast, then negative thoughts and disturbance of the mind are removed.
Fasting causes autophage process in the body
When we fast, then there is a process of autophage in the body. This is a biological process, in this process our body cleanses itself, removing the cells that have deteriorated. The word autophage is made up of Greek language Auto ie itself and Phagy. This word literally means eating yourself.
In the autophage process, the body removes its bad cells itself and maintains good cells. This process protects us from many diseases and age increases. Fasting helps in burning fat. The body's immunity increases.
What are the things to keep in mind while fasting
We should not do too much fruit in the fast. One should try to stay hungry for maximum time on the day of fasting and get the necessary energy, so much fruits should be done. If you do a lot of fruit, then health benefits will not be available from fast.
Young children, patients, pregnant women should avoid fasting. These people may have problems due to hungry. These people can worship with a balanced diet.
Ayurveda fast removes stomach problems
The importance of fasting is mentioned in the chapter of Charaka Samhita. Fasting is very beneficial for the body. In Ayurveda, diseases are treated in 6 types. These 6 types are loanging, brihanna, rhetoric, lubrication, swine and erectile dysfunction. The importance of skills is quite high in these. In this, liquids that give lightness to the body are used. There are also 10 types of skipping. Vomit, Virchan, Shirovirichan, Nirudh Vasti, Pipasa, Air Consumption, Incense Consumption, Digestive Drugs-Consumption, Fasting and Exercise.
Digestion is cured by fasting the 9th type of skipping. Kapha and bile are controlled. Fasting is very beneficial in problems like Vata disorder i.e. gas, indigestion, belching, nausea. One day not taking food, our digestive system gets relief. In such a situation, the digestive system and stomach are also cleaned. Consuming fruits gives the body necessary energy.
Research related to fasting was done to fasting
Japanese scientist Yoshinori Oshumi explained the benefit of the autofji process. He received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in the year 2016 for this research.
A fast -related research took place at mice at the University of Texas, USA. In this research, scientists divided some mice into two groups. Rats of one group were given food on time, mice from the other group were fasted from time to time and a little food was given.
In the result of research, scientists noticed that mice that were fasted from time to time were healthy and their age was also increased. On the other hand, the rats who were given a lot of food were thicker and started to remain ill.
This research has proved that by fasting, the body is saved from many diseases and the age of the person observing the fast also increases.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets