Wednesday, October 2 is the last date of Pitru Paksha, it is called Sarvapitri Moksha Amavasya. There will also be a solar eclipse on this day, but this eclipse will not be visible in India, hence there will be no sutak of this eclipse in our country.
The Shraddha rituals performed on Amavasya Tithi give satisfaction to the ancestors and they return to their ancestral world happy. Those who do not perform Shraddha, their ancestors become unhappy and curse their descendants. For the happiness of ancestors, Shraddha and charity must be performed on Sarvapitri Moksha Amavasya.
According to Astrologer of Ujjain Pt. Manish Sharma, the importance of Amavasya of Pitru Paksha is very high. On this date, there is a tradition of taking bath in holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Narmada, Shipra. However, due to excessive rains many rivers are in spate, hence one should be cautious about river bathing. If you are not able to take bath in the river, then mix a little Ganga water in water at home and take bath while meditating on the pilgrimages along with all the holy rivers. By doing this, one gets the same virtue as taking a river bath at home.
After bathing, donate money, grains, shoes, clothes, food near the river bank or around your house. Donate grass and money for the cows in a cow shelter. On this day, things like cot, bed, umbrella, ghee, milk, black sesame, rice, wheat etc. should also be donated for the ancestors.
There will be no Sutak for the solar eclipse of October 2
The solar eclipse will start at 9.13 pm on the Amavasya night of Pitru Paksha and will end at 3.17 pm. The eclipse will be visible in many countries including Argentina, America, Brazil, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru. There will be night in India during the eclipse, solar eclipse will not be visible here. Because of this, there will be no sutak of eclipse in the country. Auspicious works like worship, charity etc. can be done throughout the day. Meditate on the incense of ancestors at around 12 noon.
Graphics Source: NavJivanIndia | VaskarAssets