1 hour agoAuthor: Shaili Acharya
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Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in the world. As beautiful as she is, she is also full of problems. Women have been blessed by nature to become mothers, but to achieve this they have to undergo rigorous penance. Have to do.
Pregnancy not only affects a woman's body, but it also has an equally strong impact on her brain. Is. In nine months he endures many types of physical and mental tortures. During this time his patience is tested again and again, he has to make many sacrifices and only then New 'life' smiles in its open.
When pregnancy and motherhood affect a woman's brain, it is called 'pregnancy brain'. Or called 'mummy brain'. It is also known by many other names like 'Momnesia'.
During pregnancy, the memory of a woman who has pregnancy brain becomes a little weak. , or he starts forgetting things quickly. Many women are facing this problem during and after pregnancy. But neither do they have true information about it nor are they able to share it with anyone. Hariyya said.
According to a study by the 'National Library of Medicine', more than 80% of pregnant women suffer from 'pregnancy brain'. passes. Almost every woman experiences many changes in the brain during pregnancy.
So today in 'Tabiatpaani' we will talk about pregnancy brain. We will know what are the symptoms and causes of this problem during pregnancy and motherhood. We will also know how pregnant women can get rid of this. Gynecologist Dr. Seema Sharma talked to Global News Daily on this topic and also gave some suggestions in this regard.
According to a study published in Nature Neuroscience, during pregnancy and after becoming a mother, The amount of gray matter decreases in many places in the brain of women. Gray matter is a type of muscle in the brain and spinal cord that helps you function normally on a daily basis. Plays an important role in helping.
What are the symptoms of pregnancy brain?
Pregnancy brain is a normal and temporary condition and it goes away after delivery. It is not necessary that every woman goes through this problem, but for many women it is a sign of pregnancy. Is the common part. People take it seriously in America and Europe, but in countries like India, it is mostly ignored. Are ignored.
According to a research published at the University of British Columbia, women after pregnancy Many changes take place in the brain. Especially after becoming a mother, her thinking, understanding and emotional powers are greatly affected.
When do pregnancy brain problems start?
According to a study published in the Australian Journal, 'Cognitive impairment during pregnancy: A Meta analysis', the adverse effects on the ability to think and understand are called 'pregnancy brain' or 'baby brain'. It is called 'brain'.
Dr. Seema says that in problems like loss of memory, the person forgets small things, things. Forgetting things after keeping them, unable to concentrate on any work, keeping things in order One has to face problems like difficulty in keeping.
Pregnant women feel hesitant even in taking simple decisions. This condition occurs due to hormonal changes during pregnancy in women. Major changes in hormones during pregnancy affect the brain, affecting memory and attention. Does. Sleep also decreases during pregnancy, which has a direct impact on the brain. Stress level also increases due to lack of sleep.
How to protect pregnant women from pregnancy brain
Pregnant women always think about their unborn child. How will the fetus be? Will it face any problems? Is the baby developing properly or not? Apprehensions arise in the mother's mind. When this fear becomes excessive, it becomes a cause of stress and anxiety. Because of this he can neither concentrate on any work nor concentrate on himself.
When the baby is born after 9 months, within 48 hours of delivery, about 80% of the placenta Hormones stop coming out of the woman's body. The role of the mother changes with the birth of a newborn baby. Due to lack of sleep and the new responsibility of raising a newborn, pregnancy brain turns to 'mommy'. It is converted into 'brain'. But with time this problem also goes away.
D. Seema suggests that women suffering from problems like pregnancy brain should learn time management. They should make daily plans, this can reduce their forgetfulness problem. Also, it is very important for women to get adequate sleep and rest.
It often happens that during or after pregnancy, women feel nauseous after eating and they Can't pay attention to her dinner plate. Dr. Seema advises me not to do it. Women should take nutritious diet. Additionally, yoga and meditation should be included in your lifestyle.
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