Good health is the greatest wealth in life. It is very important to preserve this invaluable asset. Therefore, working out is as important as eating and drinking water. Workout improves both physical and mental health. In the last few years, awareness about workout has increased rapidly among people of all ages. In the early morning, people will be seen running on the road, doing yoga in the park or working out in the gym.
However, along with workout, healthy diet is also very important for good health. Most of the people who work out are confused about their diet and eating timings. Many questions come to his mind. Like at what time should one eat before or after workout? What things should be included in the diet and what things should be avoided.
So, today in 'health water' We will talk about the diet of people working out and their eating time. You will also learn that-
Expert- Dr. Poonam Tiwari, Senior Dietician, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences (Lucknow)
Physical activity is very beneficial for health According to the World Health Organization (WHO), regular physical activity helps keep physical and mental health fit. It keeps the bones and muscles of children and adolescents healthy and also improves cognitive function. Apart from this, daily exercise reduces the risk of diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Physical activity also reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. This means that it keeps our overall health good.
According to a study by global market intelligence and research firm Mintel, 46% of people give priority to a healthy lifestyle. But only 37% of them actually exercise.
It is necessary to take light diet before doing heavy workout. Taking diet before workout depends on how long and what type of workout you are doing. If you do a high intensity workout, it is necessary to have a light meal half an hour before it. For this, foods containing protein and carbohydrates should be consumed.
Dr. Poonam Tiwari says that you can include things like oats, protein shake, banana, apple, whole grains, sprouted gram and mug, eggs, dry fruits in your diet. By consuming this, energy remains in the body for a long time, due to which one does not feel weak during workout. However, it is not necessary to diet before doing normal exercise.
It is important to take a healthy diet after workout It is very important to take a healthy diet after workout. It helps in muscle recovery. Half an hour after workout, you can drink juice, protein shake or coconut water. But if you eat something immediately after heavy exercise, it can cause problems like gas and acidity in the stomach.
Dr. Poonam Tiwari says that if you feel hungry after some time of workout, then carbohydrate rich food should be included in the diet. Such as oatmeal, millet, apple, orange, banana, corn, almonds, walnuts, milk, curd, melon, potatoes, green vegetables, chocolate and eggs etc. The diet list for people doing workout is given .
How safe is it to drink water during workout? It is necessary for the body to remain hydrated for workout. But keep in mind that do not drink too much water at once or do not workout immediately after drinking water. Which can cause problems. Therefore, drink water at least 20 minutes before.
During workout, the body sweats a lot and the throat becomes dry. In such a situation the body needs water. Therefore, instead of drinking a lot of water at once, drink only 2-3 sips of water from time to time. This will avoid problems like dryness in throat, dizziness and dehydration. During this time you can also take energy drinks.
The body remains warm for some time after workout. During this period, drinking water suddenly causes shock to the muscles. This can cause many problems including chest pain, stomach pain, vomiting. In such a situation, drink water at least 20 minutes after working out. By this time the body temperature has become normal. If possible, consume banana shake or any other fruit juice after workout.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends adequate fluids before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration. So don't forget to take a drink.
It is important to take some precautions while working out A balanced diet is the backbone of workout. Apart from this, regularity is very important for workout. Try not to miss exercise on any day. No matter how busy your life is, make time for exercise because nothing is more important than health. to know what other things should be kept in mind while working out.
You have to give up some things to workout The most important thing for working out is dedication. For this it is necessary to give up laziness. Apart from this we have to sacrifice some other things also. See the list .
How appropriate is it to workout on an empty stomach? Working out on an empty stomach can help in losing weight because at that time, due to low glycogen levels, our body depends on the stored fat for energy. Which increases fat burning. Additionally, working out improves insulin sensitivity, which makes it easier for the body to control blood sugar levels. This has resulted in rapid weight loss. However, it is important to keep in mind not to workout more or more intensely than you can handle on an empty stomach. This can cause problems.
Best time to workout To stay healthy, you can do workout anytime in the morning or evening. Exercising in the morning helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm, which helps in better sleep at night.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you should get at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week or 30 minutes per day.
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